- Poster submission DEADLINE to the UIC COD IT Department is Friday, February 14, 2025 at 5:00 PM CST. For any posters submitted after the deadline, mentors/departments will be charged a $100 late fee, which can only be paid using a departmental account number.
- Follow the instructions for poster submission in your abstract acceptance email --- also linked below.
- The poster filename must be in the following format (using the presenter’s name):
LastNameFirstName_UICNetId_PosterNumber.pptx - The poster approval form - signed by the mentor - must also be submitted at the time of the poster file submission. Use this filename format (using the presenter’s name):
- A completed approval page that has been signed by the faculty sponsor/mentor must accompany ALL poster submissions. Your poster will not be printed without the signed approval form. Provide a digitally signed or scanned image (PDF) of the approval form.
- Follow the 2025 poster template provided by the 2025 CRDay Scientific Committee in your abstract acceptance email --- also linked below. The template is a guideline for poster preparation, but flexible in the amount of space or shape that is used for any of the specific titled sections. Therefore, the absolute size of each section (e.g. Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions, References) can be individualized, but the overall printed poster size is standardized. Some general guidelines are as follows:
- DO type your Poster Number in the space provided (top-right corner), AND type your Abstract Category (e.g. Basic Sciences, Case Reports, etc) and your Presenter Category (e.g. Dental Student, Resident, etc) in the spaces provided under the poster banner.
- DO prepare your poster to be readable from a distance of 6 feet --- scale your text and images accordingly, and beware of blurry or pixelated images.
- DO proofread your poster fully PRIOR to submitting the poster file for printing.
- DO NOT include the full abstract text on the poster to give more space for data figures and images.
- DO NOT use dense text on the poster and DO use diagrams, images and figures.
- All IRB and/or ACC approval numbers and funding information MUST be placed within the poster.
- All posters MUST adhere to the Protocol for De-identification of Protected Health Information in Poster Presentations for UIC COD CRDay provided in your abstract acceptance email --- also linked below.
- Posters not adhering to the template or the guidelines will be penalized during judging.
- Presenters and mentors are ultimately responsible for the content and format of posters. The IT Department will not edit or otherwise correct poster content, nor are they consultants for poster preparation or design. A $100 fee will be assessed for reprinting of posters because of preparation errors, payable through a departmental account number.
Poster Template and Documentation Heading link
Poster Template File
- The following file is the official poster template that you are required to use for your presentation. The template contains both editable and non-editable features to ensure uniformity across all presentations. Please do not alter the non-editable sections.
- Please download the following file to your computer and edit it using Microsoft PowerPoint: CRDay2025_PosterTemplate.pptx
Poster Submission Instructions
- The following file contains the official poster printing instructions: Poster Printing Instructions CRDay 2025.pdf
- It is the responsibility of the poster presenter and their mentor to closely adhere to all the instructions and guidelines outlined in this document, so that your poster can be successfully submitted for printing.
- Please note, that a MENTOR’S APPROVAL FORM is also required to be signed and submitted along with your poster file: Poster MENTOR Approval Form 2025.pdf
Protocol for De-identification of Protected Health Information
- The following file is the Protocol for De-identification of Protected Health Information in Case Reports Presentations for UIC College of Dentistry Clinic and Research Day: Protocol for De-identification of Protected Health Information v2025.pdf
- It is mandatory to abide by this protocol to ensure compliance with privacy regulations and ethical standards. Please review it carefully and apply it to your presentation as required.